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What’s the Brexit status?

In the nick of time the UK concluded a deal with the EU. As many details are still unclear, please contact us if you require insights or explanation. We submit each case to our in-house customs- and fiscal experts. This way we can assist you in finding the most optimal transport and/or storage solution.

How can we help you?

All our warehouses in Belgium are bonded warehouses, which are in custom approved zones. Objects can be stored in transit and are not subject to import duties and/or VAT. The other way around, in these warehouses we can also store objects with a free circulation status (VAT paid) and they keep their free circulation status in the EU.

Katoen Natie has a unique position. Only at Katoen Natie are you allowed to remove art objects from these warehouses (e.g. for an exhibition or trade fair) while the objects remain bonded.

This means that the objects can travel throughout the EU free from import duties and/or VAT, to exhibitions and fairs, without any additional administration, guarantees or costs applying. The administration and cost structure surrounding the movement of your art are simplified/reduced to a minimum.

The simplicity of our set-up is explained in the graphic below:


Why store at Katoen Natie?

When you store your art collection in our depots, you can be sure that your objects can still easily travel the EU. This applies to both objects subjected to customs and objects which have the EU’s free circulation status, while saving you unnecessary costs and headaches.

Furthermore, we store your objects in world class facilities. We offer more than +250.000 sqft of art storage, which is:

  • Hypersecure (INCERT3)
  • Ecological (powered by wind mills & solar panels)
  • Discrete and anonymous
  • Climatized (ranging from ASHRAE AA+ to ASHRAE AA)
  • ISO9001-2015 certified
  • Inspected by all major Insurance players
  • Competitively priced
  • Situated in the heart of EU, close to major airport/seaport/transport hubs
  • Private vaults or grouped storage
  • Supported by an in house developed collection management system

Katoen Natie is a one-stop-shop, offering all services expected from a professional art logistics player, including art collection management, fine art transport, viewing/sales rooms, condition checks, photography, expo rooms, packaging, installation, courier services, …

Want to know more?

Get in touch with us to discuss your questions about Brexit, art transport or art storage. We already work with company collections, artists estates, museums, international collectors & galleries, foundations, … so chances are we can answer your particular questions with answers stemming from experience.

Please contact us at: ktn.art@katoennatie.com




Katoen Natie and Intergamma Unveil Innovative AutoStore Solution

 Partnership between Katoen Natie and Intergamma leads to a new storage and picking system with round the clock robots.

Katoen Natie and Intergamma are now utilizing AutoStore, the world’s fastest and most reliable order processing system per square meter, for e-commerce order deliveries to Intergamma’s customers.

This cube-shaped automated system, comprising approximately 900 m³ and equipped with 20 robots, has been in operation since the end of September 2023 at Katoen Natie’s logistics platform in Kallo, which is the largest “multi-customer” logistics platform in Europe. The installation and implementation are part of a joint future project between Katoen Natie and Intergamma, following the recent extension of their successful 10-year partnership by an additional 5 years. For Intergamma, the Benelux leader in the DIY market and currently in a strong growth phase, this means that all its e-commerce products can reach private consumers even faster and more efficiently. “For Katoen Natie, the expertise built with AutoStore is an additional incentive to attract new customers to our logistics platforms with innovative solutions,” says Fernand Huts, Chairman of Katoen Natie.

Katoen Natie is implementing this goods-to-man automated storage and picking system for the first time at its Kallo logistics platform. This implementation is part of the shared desire of Katoen Natie and Intergamma to ensure they can continue to work together in a future-proof manner. Katoen Natie Engineering Solutions, Katoen Natie’s in-house research department, is closely monitoring the process and operations, and is also exploring the opportunity to invest in additional AutoStore installations on other logistics platforms.

Intergamma in a Growth Phase

In the Benelux, Intergamma is the market leader in the DIY industry with three brands: GAMMA Netherlands, GAMMA Belgium, and Karwei, which together operate 384 stores in Belgium and the Netherlands. “Ongoing developments in Intergamma’s online channels have led to increased volumes,” says Joost De Beijer, CEO of Intergamma. “The new investment in AutoStore in collaboration with Katoen Natie aligns perfectly with our strategy, in which e-commerce will continue to be crucial in the future while we simultaneously make our supply chain more sustainable. We aim to evolve into a ‘one-stop shop,’ where consumers can turn to GAMMA and Karwei to address their entire DIY project in one go and have their supplies delivered or picked up wherever they prefer.” Intergamma expects that the investment will ultimately lead to increased capacity, flexibility, better reliability, and lower costs.


How Does AutoStore Work?

Bins with inventory are stacked 16 levels high next to and on top of each other within the grid. The grid is the customized aluminum rail system surrounding the bins and robots. Autonomous robots travel on top of the grid and continuously collaborate to retrieve stock for orders from the grid. They do this by lifting bins from the grid and rearranging them until they have the correct one. This bin is then presented at one of the 3 picking stations. The picker retrieves the goods from the bin and processes the order. The bin is returned to the grid. The algorithm ensures that stock for orders is always retrieved in the most efficient manner. This automation has no impact on existing jobs, as the pickers can now accomplish more with the same team. Additionally, it reduces picking errors, ensures continuous inventory management, optimal availability, and no single point of failure.

Round the clock robots

Customers can place orders online until 9:00 PM, and Katoen Natie hands over the packages to the carrier by 11:00 PM, ensuring that the packages are delivered to the customer’s doorstep the next day. While Katoen Natie sleeps at night, the robots keep working. During the night, they ensure that the fast-moving products of Intergamma are always located in the top “drawers” of the grid and are thus picked up the fastest. All e-commerce orders for Intergamma are transmitted directly to AutoStore through the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) electronic data exchange system. AutoStore is also connected to Katoen Natie’s existing packing automation. As a result, each box is automatically sealed after picking and is not touched until it is loaded.

Since September 25, a significant portion of Intergamma’s products has been picked by AutoStore robots at Katoen Natie. However, starting from the end of October, the planned stock of Intergamma will also be stored in AutoStore. This will include more than 21,000 items distributed across 31,000 bins, with 6,528 of them subdivided into 4 compartments, bringing the total to 50,584 locations with stock.

Our Autostore in action on YouTube: Click Here


How Katoen Natie’s Innovative Software Makes The Difference For Our Customers

Have you ever wondered how items of all shapes and dimensions makes their way to your local store, perfectly packaged alongside other products, without wasting space in the truck or causing inefficiencies in the warehouse? The answer lies in the advanced optimization technology driving modern logistics.

At Katoen Natie, we’re at the forefront of this revolution, using innovative software tools that optimize every step of the logistics process. Our cutting-edge internal optimization algorithms are seamlessly integrated into our Warehouse Management System (WMS) ensuring that your products are shipped not only efficiently but also sustainably.

The Power of Precubing

Precubing is a game-changer in today’s logistics landscape. This critical process involves calculating the optimal parcel or pallet size for shipping orders, ensuring that every inch of space is utilized effectively. Here’s why precubing is essential:

  • Maximizing Space Utilization: By identifying the best parcel or pallet size for each order, our software minimizes wasted space and ensures that every shipment is packed efficiently.
  • Reducing Repacking Needs: With the right size determined from the start, we cut down on the need for repacking, saving both time and resources in the process.
  • Promoting Sustainability: By reducing the amount of “air” shipped in packages, we significantly lower our carbon footprint, aligning with environmentally-friendly practices
An example of precubing rendering of a container


Precubing not only improves our conventional warehouse operations but also empowers us to make data-driven decisions when it comes to parcel and conveying automation. This leads to smarter, more efficient logistics overall.



Optimizing Every Step of the Process

Our optimization software doesn’t stop at selecting the best shipping method for each order. It goes a step further by analyzing all the order lines that need to be picked and the dimensions of the final shipments. Here’s how it works:

  1. Efficient Multi-Order Picking Tours: The software allocates orders to picking carts and selects the best combination of orders for each picking tour. This reduces driving distances within the warehouse and optimizes productivity.
  2. Data-Driven Decisions: Using real-time data, our software ensures that every decision—from packing to shipping—is based on the most efficient and cost-effective approach.
An example of a multiorder picking tour


Real Results: Boosting Productivity and Reducing Waste

The introduction of this optimization software has delivered impressive results:

  • Over 10% Improvement in Picking Productivity: Our optimized picking tours have streamlined the process, saving valuable time and effort.
  • 15% Reduction in Shipped Air: By minimizing the amount of air in shipments, we’ve reduced packaging waste and improved sustainability.

These advancements highlight how innovation can lead to tangible benefits for both our clients and the environment.

Join the Logistics Revolution with Katoen Natie

At Katoen Natie, we’re committed to revolutionizing the logistics industry through innovative solutions that save time, reduce costs, and promote sustainability. Our internal optimization algorithms are just one example of how we’re helping clients stay ahead of the curve.

Curious to learn more?

Reach out to us and speak with an expert today and take the first step toward a smarter, more efficient supply chain.


Case studies

Below we will illustrate a few large projects on which Katoen Natie Business Unit Art has worked the past years.

Private storage for a large museum

In 2009 Katoen Natie was contacted by a large Antwerp museum regarding a private depot for their art collection. The museum would be closed for approx. 10 years so they would need ateliers, depots, offices, loading and unloading areas, quarantine zones, … acclimatized in accordance with the highest museum standards.
This museum filed a very extensive public tender and Katoen Natie won with its proposal. This was the start of a public-private cooperation.

Katoen Naties Business Unit Engineering and Business Unit Art put their heads together to combine the experiences of both to live up to the expectations and to deliver by each deadline.
Teams of both BU’s started an extensive research and visited multiple good examples in our neighboring countries.

Following these good practices, we started discussing all needs and wishes for the depot together with collaborators of the museum.

In two years, we managed to build and finish the complete depot. Below a detailed summary of all that’s realized in the depot.

  • HVAC-installation: better than an AA+ climate. 20°C and 52% RH 24/7 without fluctuations
    • Very strict maintenance agreement in case of defects with immediate intervention
    • Daily monitoring of the climate
  • Acclimatized loading and unloading area, restauration ateliers and storage
  • Lock operation: no door or gate can be opened without all other being closed
  • Dust-free floors
  • Badge controls on all doors and gates
    • Possibility to monitor who opened which door
  • Maintenance of the complete depot
  • Office areas
  • Water mist installation for fire safety
  • INCERT-3 security level
    • Anonymous building
    • Control of perimeter
    • Independent emergency room
  • CCTV camera monitoring


Ecological storage

After being operational for +/- 8 years, we noticed a change in the mindset of our clients trending towards a heightened ecological & economical thinking. Katoen Natie doesn’t flinch when it sees the opportunity to improve, so we decided to develop a new type of depot. Together with engineering, we mapped the needs for the new building and started a study together with some expert consultancy agencies to develop a new storage.

The result is a complete new design of storage. Below an overview:


We have build a depot that’s self-regulating through building-specific features, like extreme isolation. We talk about a steel outershell and an innershell made out of concrete, a building inside a building. The combination of the used materials in the building versus the climate in the region realize an ASHRAE A1 climate towards a fixed set point with minimal support of mechanical installations.

Fire safety

We attain the best fire protection by lowering the oxygen concentration in the depot below the ignition point. Preventing fire is better than an active firefighting system, which uses water or dangerous gases. The oxygen level is at 14%.

Break-in security

The depot is located on an anonymous location. On the outside, there are no signs that can insinuate that we store valuable objects inside the building. On site, we have 24H/24H terminal monitoring and a maximum physical security of the perimeter. Finally yet importantly, the complete depot is INCERT3 certified (badge and CCTV controlled). The building itself is a building inside a building, which makes ramming nearly impossible.


Ensuring Safety and Efficiency in Silo Operations with J-Tec Material Handling

Grounding of Trucks
One of the foundational safety measures in silo unloading is the proper grounding of trucks. J-Tec emphasises the importance of grounding to prevent static electricity buildup, which can lead to dangerous discharges. J-Tec systems include thorough grounding checks to ensure that trucks are properly grounded before any material transfer begins. This proactive step mitigates the risk of fire and explosion, ensuring a safer working environment.

Controlled Valve Operation
Safety in unloading operations is further ensured by integrating controlled valves in the discharge lines. These valves are designed to release (open) only when the correct truck is connected and confirmed to be properly grounded. This interlocking mechanism prevents accidental releases and ensures that material is only discharged under safe conditions, significantly reducing the risk of spills and contamination.

Silo on Load Cells
J-Tec installs silos on load cells to provide real-time monitoring of the material weight. This setup not only ensures precise inventory management but also enhances safety by providing critical data that can prevent overfilling or unexpected material shortages. The load cells offer continuous weight measurements, allowing for better control and optimisation of the material handling process.

Protection for Authorised Personnel
Access to silo ladders and other critical points must be restricted to ensure safety. J-Tec uses protect cage ladders that can only be accessed by authorised personnel. This measure prevents unauthorised entry, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring that only trained individuals can perform maintenance or inspections, thereby enhancing overall site safety.

Condensation Prevention
Condensation within silos can lead to material spoilage and operational inefficiencies. J-Tec addresses this issue by using polyester and insulated silos. These materials and designs help in maintaining optimal temperature conditions, preventing condensation, and preserving the integrity of stored materials. This is particularly crucial for sensitive materials that require strict environmental controls.

Food-Approved Silos
For industries dealing with food products, maintaining hygiene and compliance with food safety standards is non-negotiable. J-Tec provides food-approved silos that meet all relevant regulatory requirements. These silos are designed with materials and finishes that ensure the safe storage of food products, preventing contamination and ensuring that all handling processes adhere to the highest standards of food safety.


J-Tec Material Handling offers a robust suite of safety measures for silo operations, ensuring that each aspect from truck grounding to condensation prevention is meticulously addressed. By implementing these advanced safety features, we not only enhance operational efficiency but also create a safer working environment for all personnel involved.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information!


Market Insights: The World of Apparel

In recent years, the apparel industry has been undergoing a transformation as sustainability has moved from being a buzzword to a core value. Consumers, brands, and policymakers alike are increasingly focused on the environmental and social impacts of fashion causing the market to shift towards more responsible practices. This shift is driven by several key factors that are reshaping the market in profound ways.

Emergence of Sustainable Fashion

Sustainability is no longer just a trend—it’s becoming a necessity. Recent fashion events in 2023 and 2024 have highlighted the rise of sustainable brands that prioritize eco-friendly materials, ethical production processes, and transparency in their supply chains. These brands resonate with consumers who increasingly seek out clothing that aligns with their values. According to recent surveys by the Capgemini Research Institute, 79% of consumers prefer to purchase from brands that are committed to sustainability. Moreover, 63% of organisations have seen revenue growth through sustainability initiatives in 2023.

Sustainable fashion industry statistics

The Conscious Consumer

One of the most significant drivers of sustainability in the apparel industry is the rise of conscious consumers. Modern shoppers are no longer just interested in how clothes look or how much they cost. They are increasingly concerned with where their garments come from, how they are made, and what happens to them after they are discarded. This has forced companies to rethink their supply chains, materials, and business models.

Digital Transformation in Fashion

Technology is playing a crucial role in advancing sustainability in the apparel industry. From blockchain for supply chain transparency to AI-driven design tools that reduce waste, technological innovation is helping brands become more sustainable. For example, blockchain technology is being used to track organic cotton from farm to store, ensuring transparency, while AI-driven design tools help reduce fabric waste by optimizing patterns and minimizing excess production.

Technology also empowers consumers to make more informed choices. Apps that track the sustainability of brands or allow consumers to resell or recycle their clothes are becoming popular, further promoting a circular economy in fashion. This is possible through what is termed as ‘connected products’. Through our partnership with Twintag, Katoen Natie assists our customers on their digital transformation journeys in creating ‘connected products’ with digital experiences.


Sustainability in the apparel industry is no longer optional—it’s essential. As consumer demand for ethical and environmentally friendly products continues to rise, brands that fail to adapt risk being left behind. However, those that embrace sustainability, innovate in materials and processes, and prioritize transparency stand to gain a competitive edge in this evolving market. The road to sustainability in fashion may be challenging, but it is also filled with opportunities for brands that are willing to lead the way. At Katoen Natie, we are committed to supporting your journey with innovative solutions that help you excel in this dynamic industry.

For further insights, inquiries, or to discuss how Katoen Natie can support your sustainability journey, let’s stay connected.

Paul Boterman


Katoen Natie Apparel, Sport and Leisure


Energizing the Future: Katoen Natie’s Charge Towards Sustainable Logistics

At Katoen Natie, we have always had sustainability as a core value and a guiding principle in our logistics operations. Three of our Belgian logistics platforms—Antwerp, Ghent, and Beringen—have been quietly investing in renewable energy for years. Today, we are excited to announce our latest initiative: the installation of cutting-edge battery parks.

Harnessing Nature’s Power

Our wind turbines and solar panels work continuously to generate clean, renewable energy. But we didn’t stop there. By adding state-of-the-art battery parks, we can now store this energy, ensuring every watt produced is used efficiently and sustainably.

Our investment in renewable energy and innovative storage solutions is not just about reducing our carbon footprint. We are changing how businesses approach energy consumption in the logistics sector. By generating and storing our own energy, we demonstrate that sustainability and business success can go hand in hand.

Ensuring Reliability and Resilience

Our battery parks are more than just impressive technology. They have impressive storage capacities at our logistics platforms:

  • Antwerp Kallo: Up to 13.6 MWh with a power output of 5 MVa
  • Ghent: Up to 8.2 MWh with a power output of 2.5 MVa
  • Beringen: Up to 1.7 MWh with a power output of 1.25 MVa

These battery parks are game-changers. They provide a reliable power supply, even during emergencies, ensuring seamless operations and safeguarding productivity. This makes them an indispensable asset to our infrastructure.


Battery Park in Antwerp, Kallo logistics platform


The Journey Continues

Our battery parks are a symbol of Katoen Natie’s unwavering commitment to sustainability and innovation in logistics. We are not just ensuring reliability; we are actively doing our part to shape a greener, more sustainable future.

This is just the beginning. Our battery parks represent the first step in a journey filled with promise and potential. As we continue to invest in renewable energy and innovative storage solutions, we are transforming how energy is consumed and stored in the logistics industry. Stay tuned as we embark on this exciting path towards a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

Curious to learn more about Katoen Natie?

Reach out to us and speak with an expert today.